Political Lawn Signs | Why lawn signs are important for a campaign
Political lawn signs continue to be an effective marketing tool for campaigns because they can be placed almost anywhere. Even businesses have started showing their support for their favorite candidate with lawn signs around their business! During the 2016 and 2021 elections, supporters were requesting multiple lawn signs to show their level of support increasing the demand for political lawn signs. Here are a few reasons why it is important for your next campaign to invest in political lawn signs:
- Supporter bond – There is a bond that takes place when you see a neighbor or friend with a lawn sign supporting the same candidate that you are supporting. Since they know they are supporting the same candidate they will share new information about your campaign with each other getting your messages constantly spread through your supporter network.
- Publicity – For smaller elections, most voters first learn about the candidates that are running from political lawn signs. So lawn signs are a critical tool to get your name spread out through the public.
- Cost – A yard sign is much more affordable than a billboard or television/radio advertisements and they usually have the same, if not better, ability to reach as many voters!
If you have an upcoming election then start prepping now! The sooner you can get signs in your supporter’s yards the better!
PromoteSigns.com specializes in Corrugated, Poly-coated, and Alumalite signs. We also have the ability to provide your business or campaign with customized Promotional Products, Decals & Stickers, and Sign Frames. We ship throughout Wisconsin and nationwide. To speak with our sales department to get a quote, call 888-864-4114 or email sales@promotesigns.com